Addressing the Black Talent skills gap in STEM

Our co-founder and CEO, Olu Orugboh, has been busy recently; sharing the Black Talent and Leadership in STEM mission at industry events, and in her role as Chair of the Cambridge Wireless Ltd Board 👏

This September, these roles collide at Cambridge Tech Week (organised by Cambridge Wireless), when she will be hosting an invite-only roundtable with Lord Simon Woolley, entitled ‘Addressing the Black Talent skills gap in STEM’ on September 12th at The Cambridge Union, kindly sponsored by Marks & Clerk LLP.

If you would like to be part of this discussion, read on!👇

💡 Attracting, recruiting and retaining the best talent is crucial to the success of the tech industry. Research – and experience – has shown a clear problem specifically with the attraction of early career Black talent and for those already working in the sector, attrition of black talent across middle management and senior level roles.

>> This invite-only Roundtable discussion will address this problem, and offer a forum for movers and shakers to discuss how we can build a sustainable pipeline of black talent, whilst creating an environment that supports their retention, progression and the organisation's ongoing ability to innovate.

As part of our discussions, we will also dive into the intersectionality between black talent and other minority groups, such as women, neurodiverse workers and more.

📧 There are limited tickets available - if you’re a C-suite leader and would like to be considered for an invitation, then please email:

🔗 Take a look at the event here